UAVs to fly for months using miniature nuclear reactors

ihls israelhlsUAVs to fly for months using miniature nuclear reactors – i-HLS.

By Ami Dor on

UAVs will soon be able to remain in flight for months, instead of days, using miniature nuclear reactors; this according to advanced research done by Northrop Grumman, in cooperation with Sandia National.

The airborne nuclear reactor will also enhance the UAV’s operational capabilities, meaning better weapon systems, surveillance systems and payload capacity. The research was published on the Federation of American Scientists website (FAS).

According to the FAS publication, the project was headed by Dr. Steven B. Bron from Sandia, considered an international expert on nuclear propulsion and an important participant in many scientific conventions dealing with the issue.

While Sandia Labs did not deny the report in FAS concerning nuclear propulsion in UAVs, they did stress that the research is still in the theoretical phase, even though practical applications are being tested. One clear result from the project, according to Sandia researchers, is that airborne nuclear systems greatly enhance the operational endurance of UAVs, allowing real time surveillance of intelligence targets for almost unlimited periods.



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