Netanyahu: “It’s my view that there’s an American commitment to make sure that that doesn’t happen, and I think I’d leave it at that.” Lets Hope There Is An OBAMA Commitment. - Netanyahu  There’s ‘An American Commitment to Make Sure’ Iran Doesn’t Develop a NukeIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said yesterday that “there’s an American commitment to make sure” that Iran does not develop a nuclear weapon. Netanyahu was speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“I think stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons capability is not merely an interest of Israel,” said Netanyahu. “As I think the current, recent events—the current events now demonstrate, this is something of deep interest for all people who want peace and seek peace throughout the world.”

“Meet the Press” host David Gregory followed up on this statement by asking Netanyahu, “If the international community proves unable to stop Iran, is it your view that Israel will have to?”

Netanyahu responded: “It’s my view that there’s an American commitment to make sure that that doesn’t happen, and I think I’d leave it at that.”

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