Thailand: University Apologizes for Billboard Displaying Adolph Hitler with Superman,Batman, and other Superheroes

University Apologizes for Hitler Banner.

Thailand’s premier university has apologized for displaying a billboard that showed Adolf Hitler alongside Superman and other superheroes, saying Monday it was painted by ignorant students who didn’t realize Hitler’s image would offend anyone.

The huge billboard was placed outside the art faculty of Chulalongkorn University as part of a tribute to this year’s graduating class.

It said “Congratulations” in bold white letters and showed Hitler with his arm raised in a Nazi salute next to Batman, Captain America, the Incredible Hulk and Iron Man.

“(We) would like to formally express our sincere apology for our students’ ‘Superhero’ mural,” art school dean Suppakorn Disatapundhu said in a statement issued Monday. “I can assure you we are taking this matter very seriously.”

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