IRS Lawyer: Top Washington Officials Behind IRS Abuse

IRS Lawyer: Top Washington Officials Behind IRS Abuse.

The IRS is a political weapon being used against people who dare to question Obama’s agenda. In the end, 100% of Tea Party groups were targeted by the IRS, delaying them from getting their correct tax status during an election year. The IRS tried to rig the election.

The IRS abuse and attack on the Tea Party leads directly to Obama and his staff. We know this now. Obama met with the IRS director over a hundred times. He has openly suggested auditing his enemies in the past. He met with the IRS union leader the day before the targeting. He knew — and he likely ordered it.

Now, an IRS lawyer is coming forward in a leak of a testimony soon to be given in the House. The leak? That this scandal does, in fact, lead to everyone in positions of leadership, including those in Washington. People shouldn’t just be fired… they should be jailed.

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