First fully 3D-printed rifle appears to be fired in new video, but it also breaks

First fully 3D-printed rifle appears to be fired in new video, but it also breaks.

The era of the “Wiki Weapon” may be upon us, but so far, it’s achieved mixed results at best. A few months after Cody Wilson of the Austin, Texas, based organization Defense Distributed revealed and successfully test-fired what he said was the world’s first functional, fully 3D-printed gun, a pistol known as “The Liberator,” someone else in Canada has now gone ahead and developed and shot a bullet out of what they claim is the world’s first fully 3D-printed rifle. Nicknamed “the Grizzly,” the rifle appears in a YouTube video posted online yesterday by username “ThreeD Ukulele.” As the video creator explains in the title card, the weapon is a .22-caliber long rifle of the single shot variety, fabricated using a Stratasys Dimension 1200es 3D printer.

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