Police Officer Allegedly took Zimmerman Drivers Lincense Photo during speeding stop

Officer allegedly took photo during Zimmerman stop.

According to reports, the police officer who pulled over George Zimmerman last weekend outside Dallas may be in trouble.

FOX4 in Dallas reported on Thursday that the Forney police officer, who has not been identified, allegedly used his personal iPhone to take a picture of Zimmerman’s driver’s license.

Forney officials told FOX4 that the officer will be questioned. He could be disciplined if he violated police policy.

And according to website TMZ, dash cam footage caught the alleged picture-taking. FOX4 also reported that the officer wasn’t on duty Thursday.

Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who was cleared of all charges in the Florida shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, was stopped for speeding Sunday on U.S. 80, about 20 miles east of Dallas, officials confirmed to the Associated Press on Wednesday.

The officer stopped Zimmerman, who had a gun in the truck, as he drove west on U.S. 80.  Zimmerman had a concealed weapons permit in Florida that would be also recognized under Texas law, the AP reported.

The policeman let Zimmerman go with a warning.

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