Poll: Most Americans back ‘stand your ground’ laws

Poll: Most back ‘stand your ground’ – Tal Kopan.

A majority of Americans support controversial “stand your ground” laws, according to a new poll, but their views are sharply divided along racial lines.

Voters back the self-defense laws 53 percent to 40 percent, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac, but when broken down by race, black and white voters have opposite views. White voters support such laws in their state 57 percent to 37 percent, while black voters oppose the laws 57 percent to 37 percent. Hispanic voters are split, with 44 percent supporting the laws and 43 percent opposing.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/poll-most-back-stand-your-ground-95108.html#ixzz2ap3qi6KT

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