Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option

Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option.

Direct talks begin with “confidence building measures,” and the Netanyahu government must be worried that it would be picking up the tab on the new couple’s honeymoon. By: Yori Yanover

A senior Israeli government official has told Kol Israel this morning that he doubts the Obama Administration’s commitment to prevent Iran “at any cost” from attainting a nuclear weapon. The official explained that the Administration’s behavior in Syria, in complete contradiction of President Obama’s declarations, shows Israel that it cannot rely on American promises. The senior official added that Israel could execute a strike against Iran without American operational support, but such an attack would be less effective than an American operation. Israel is extremely concerned that the U.S. might be seeking direct negotiations between Washington and Tehran, leading to easing the sanctions against Iran in return for Iranian concessions that would fall short of Israel’s demands.

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“We congratulate the Iranian people for making their voices heard during the election. We note that President Rouhani recognized that his election represented a call by the Iranian people for change, and we hope that the new Iranian Government will heed the will of the voters by making choices that will lead to a better life for the Iranian people. We do believe that his inauguration presents an opportunity for Iran to act quickly to resolve the international community’s deep concerns over Iran’s nuclear program. And, as we’ve said all along, should the new government choose to engage substantively and seriously to meet its international obligations, we are ready to talk to them when they are ready to do so.” Direct talks, as suggested by the White House statement, always begin with “confidence building measures,” and the Netanyahu government must be worried that it would be picking up the tab on the new couple’s honeymoon. In the State Dept. daily press briefing yesterday, Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf was asked: “The Israeli Government said over the weekend it does not trust Rouhani because of statements which they say indicate, again, an existential threat to Israel’s existence. Is the U.S. taking that concern under consideration when it looks at how it might want to engage with Rouhani?” Harf answered that the U.S. will take “the whole range of security concerns, the security problems Iran has presented for the region into account,” when it decides how to deal with the new Iranian Government. She reiterated that it’s important “to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon because of the threat they could pose to Israel, to the region, and indeed to us as well.” But, finally, hope sprang eternal, and Harf acknowledged that the U.S. is “waiting to talk to them when they are ready to engage substantively.” Meaning – one on one. Harf was next asked “What’s the first step that you would want to see Rouhani take on the nuclear issue?” “We have a proposal on the table,” she said. “We’ve had it on the table for some time and we’re waiting for a substantive response from the Iranian side on how to move forward. And we’ve been clear that that’s what needs to happen next.” All of which suggests that the Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei has played a brilliant game in picking his new “moderate” president. Khamenei made Rouhani chief of Iran’s nuclear negotiations in 2003, for the same reason he made him president this time around – the man can talk a candy out of the western babies’ hands. Rouhani ran the negotiations between Iran and three European states in Tehran and continued later in Brussels, Geneva and Paris. Rouhani’s team back then was described as “the best diplomats in the Iranian Foreign Ministry.” They prevented further escalation of accusations against Iran, and so prevented Iran’s nuclear case from going to the UN Security Council. They figured out how to temporarily suspend parts of Iran’s nuclear activities to appease the West. And so, while building confidence, insisting on Iran’s rights, reducing international pressures and the possibility of war, and preventing Iran’s case from being reported to the UN Security Council, Iran succeeded in completing its nuclear fuel cycle and took groundbreaking steps to produce a nuclear weapon. Continue reading: 1 2 All Pages print tell a friend About the Author: Senior Internet Editor Yori Yanover has been a working journalist since age 17, before he enlisted and worked for Ba’Machane Nachal. Since then he has worked for Israel Shelanu, the US supplement of Yedioth,,, Lubavitch News Service, Arutz 7 (as DJ on the high seas), and the Grand Street News. He has published two fun books: The Cabalist’s Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption, and How Would God REALLY Vote. Click Here! If you don’t see your comment after publishing it, refresh the page. one comment so far You must log in to post a comment. SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend Current Top Story Brigadier-Gen. Gadi Agmon, in a closed committee session, launched a vehement attack on the deans of Haredi yeshivas, accusing them of outright lying and covering up for students who are registered but do not show up for classes. IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students News Briefs Twitter Feed Rabbi Shot in Russia Released from Israeli Hospital on August 6, 2013 12:26 PM IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students on August 6, 2013 12:16 PM US Issues Urgent Travel Warning in Yemen on August 6, 2013 12:15 PM Suicide Attack Helps Rebels Take Over Syrian Military Airport on August 6, 2013 11:50 AM Israel First Electric Bus Debuts in Tel Aviv on August 6, 2013 11:29 AM US Drone Kills 4 Al Qaeda Terrorists in Yemen on August 6, 2013 11:16 AM Livni, Bennett clash on benefits for Judea and Samaria on August 6, 2013 10:18 AM AEA Official: Iran Could Produce Weapons-Grade Plutonium Next Summer on August 6, 2013 10:14 AM Number of Israeli Christians Enlisting in IDF Triples on August 6, 2013 10:08 AM Australian Politician: ‘Jewish Lobby’ Controls Pius XII Image on August 6, 2013 10:05 AM Palestinian Leader in Canada: Shoot Israeli Jews on August 6, 2013 9:54 AM Geller to Testify at Toronto Police Board over Shul Appearance on August 6, 2013 9:51 AM Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option on August 6, 2013 9:26 AM Birthright May Double its Numbers, Plus Encourage Hi-Tech Aliyah on August 6, 2013 9:07 AM Ex-Turkish Army Chief Gets Life in Prison for Coup Attempt on August 5, 2013 10:18 PM Latest News Stories Rabbi Shot in Russia Released from Israeli Hospital JTA News → Jewish → Antisemitism Brigadier-Gen. Gadi Agmon, in a closed committee session, launched a vehement attack on the deans of Haredi yeshivas, accusing them of outright lying and covering up for students who are registered but do not show up for classes. IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government US Issues Urgent Travel Warning in Yemen Jewish Press News Briefs News → Islamists Suicide Attack Helps Rebels Take Over Syrian Military Airport Jewish Press News Briefs News → Israel Israel First Electric Bus Debuts in Tel Aviv Jewish Press News Briefs News → Israel US Drone Kills 4 Al Qaeda Terrorists in Yemen 2 Jewish Press News Briefs News → Islamists Livni, Bennett clash on benefits for Judea and Samaria JNS News Service News → News Briefs AEA Official: Iran Could Produce Weapons-Grade Plutonium Next Summer JNS News Service News → News Briefs Number of Israeli Christians Enlisting in IDF Triples 1 JNS News Service News → News Briefs Australian Politician: ‘Jewish Lobby’ Controls Pius XII Image JNS News Service News → News Briefs Palestinian Leader in Canada: Shoot Israeli Jews JTA News → News Briefs Geller to Testify at Toronto Police Board over Shul Appearance JTA News → News Briefs Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option 1 Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government Birthright May Double its Numbers, Plus Encourage Hi-Tech Aliyah 1 Lori Lowenthal Marcus News → Israel → Aliyah 4,000 Get Polio Shots Yori Yanover News → Photo of the Day Ex-Turkish Army Chief Gets Life in Prison for Coup Attempt Jewish Press News Briefs News → News Briefs Click Here! More Articles from Yori Yanover Brigadier-Gen. Gadi Agmon, in a closed committee session, launched a vehement attack on the deans of Haredi yeshivas, accusing them of outright lying and covering up for students who are registered but do not show up for classes. IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government It’s likely that the high level official’s statement is an expression of the Netanyahu government’s anxiety over the glee with which the Obama Administration has welcomed the election of a new Iranian president. Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option 1 Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government Israelis Feel a Special Connection to World Jews Yori Yanover Media → Video Picks 4,000 Get Polio Shots Yori Yanover News → Photo of the Day LA Investment Firm Using Death Camp Photo to Woo Clients 7 Yori Yanover News → Jewish → Antisemitism Protesters: Police in Cahoots with Arabs over Jewish Access to Mount 6 Yori Yanover News → Jewish → Antisemitism R. Lau to Submit Conversion Rulings to Haredi Review in Backroom Deal 18 Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government The Tijuana Troubadours Yori Yanover Media → Video Picks Latest Poll What is the most urgent issue facing the Jewish nation right now? Relations between secular and religious Jews. Relations between Haredim and the rest of the Jews. The divide between Jews in Israel and Jews in Galus. Intermarriage and assimilation. The increasing, global, Muslim antisemitism. The growing influence of the gay movement. View Results Polls Archive Home News InDepth Blogs Judaism Sections Media Kidz Food InPrint © 2013 The Jewish Press. All rights reserved. No portion of this website may be copied without the express written permission of Management and Design by WebAds. Development and maintenance by Marc Gottlieb Creative Solutions | Log in Related posts: Iran Launches Two Uranium Facilities while Talking with West So Called Moderate Rohani Wins Iranian Vote John Kerry on the Iranian Presidential Election Close Read more at: | The Jewish PressRead more at: | The Jewish Press

“We congratulate the Iranian people for making their voices heard during the election. We note that President Rouhani recognized that his election represented a call by the Iranian people for change, and we hope that the new Iranian Government will heed the will of the voters by making choices that will lead to a better life for the Iranian people. We do believe that his inauguration presents an opportunity for Iran to act quickly to resolve the international community’s deep concerns over Iran’s nuclear program. And, as we’ve said all along, should the new government choose to engage substantively and seriously to meet its international obligations, we are ready to talk to them when they are ready to do so.” Direct talks, as suggested by the White House statement, always begin with “confidence building measures,” and the Netanyahu government must be worried that it would be picking up the tab on the new couple’s honeymoon. In the State Dept. daily press briefing yesterday, Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf was asked: “The Israeli Government said over the weekend it does not trust Rouhani because of statements which they say indicate, again, an existential threat to Israel’s existence. Is the U.S. taking that concern under consideration when it looks at how it might want to engage with Rouhani?” Harf answered that the U.S. will take “the whole range of security concerns, the security problems Iran has presented for the region into account,” when it decides how to deal with the new Iranian Government. She reiterated that it’s important “to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon because of the threat they could pose to Israel, to the region, and indeed to us as well.” But, finally, hope sprang eternal, and Harf acknowledged that the U.S. is “waiting to talk to them when they are ready to engage substantively.” Meaning – one on one. Harf was next asked “What’s the first step that you would want to see Rouhani take on the nuclear issue?” “We have a proposal on the table,” she said. “We’ve had it on the table for some time and we’re waiting for a substantive response from the Iranian side on how to move forward. And we’ve been clear that that’s what needs to happen next.” All of which suggests that the Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei has played a brilliant game in picking his new “moderate” president. Khamenei made Rouhani chief of Iran’s nuclear negotiations in 2003, for the same reason he made him president this time around – the man can talk a candy out of the western babies’ hands. Rouhani ran the negotiations between Iran and three European states in Tehran and continued later in Brussels, Geneva and Paris. Rouhani’s team back then was described as “the best diplomats in the Iranian Foreign Ministry.” They prevented further escalation of accusations against Iran, and so prevented Iran’s nuclear case from going to the UN Security Council. They figured out how to temporarily suspend parts of Iran’s nuclear activities to appease the West. And so, while building confidence, insisting on Iran’s rights, reducing international pressures and the possibility of war, and preventing Iran’s case from being reported to the UN Security Council, Iran succeeded in completing its nuclear fuel cycle and took groundbreaking steps to produce a nuclear weapon. Continue reading: 1 2 All Pages print tell a friend About the Author: Senior Internet Editor Yori Yanover has been a working journalist since age 17, before he enlisted and worked for Ba’Machane Nachal. Since then he has worked for Israel Shelanu, the US supplement of Yedioth,,, Lubavitch News Service, Arutz 7 (as DJ on the high seas), and the Grand Street News. He has published two fun books: The Cabalist’s Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption, and How Would God REALLY Vote. Click Here! If you don’t see your comment after publishing it, refresh the page. one comment so far You must log in to post a comment. SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend Current Top Story Brigadier-Gen. Gadi Agmon, in a closed committee session, launched a vehement attack on the deans of Haredi yeshivas, accusing them of outright lying and covering up for students who are registered but do not show up for classes. IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students News Briefs Twitter Feed Rabbi Shot in Russia Released from Israeli Hospital on August 6, 2013 12:26 PM IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students on August 6, 2013 12:16 PM US Issues Urgent Travel Warning in Yemen on August 6, 2013 12:15 PM Suicide Attack Helps Rebels Take Over Syrian Military Airport on August 6, 2013 11:50 AM Israel First Electric Bus Debuts in Tel Aviv on August 6, 2013 11:29 AM US Drone Kills 4 Al Qaeda Terrorists in Yemen on August 6, 2013 11:16 AM Livni, Bennett clash on benefits for Judea and Samaria on August 6, 2013 10:18 AM AEA Official: Iran Could Produce Weapons-Grade Plutonium Next Summer on August 6, 2013 10:14 AM Number of Israeli Christians Enlisting in IDF Triples on August 6, 2013 10:08 AM Australian Politician: ‘Jewish Lobby’ Controls Pius XII Image on August 6, 2013 10:05 AM Palestinian Leader in Canada: Shoot Israeli Jews on August 6, 2013 9:54 AM Geller to Testify at Toronto Police Board over Shul Appearance on August 6, 2013 9:51 AM Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option on August 6, 2013 9:26 AM Birthright May Double its Numbers, Plus Encourage Hi-Tech Aliyah on August 6, 2013 9:07 AM Ex-Turkish Army Chief Gets Life in Prison for Coup Attempt on August 5, 2013 10:18 PM Latest News Stories Rabbi Shot in Russia Released from Israeli Hospital JTA News → Jewish → Antisemitism Brigadier-Gen. Gadi Agmon, in a closed committee session, launched a vehement attack on the deans of Haredi yeshivas, accusing them of outright lying and covering up for students who are registered but do not show up for classes. IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government US Issues Urgent Travel Warning in Yemen Jewish Press News Briefs News → Islamists Suicide Attack Helps Rebels Take Over Syrian Military Airport Jewish Press News Briefs News → Israel Israel First Electric Bus Debuts in Tel Aviv Jewish Press News Briefs News → Israel US Drone Kills 4 Al Qaeda Terrorists in Yemen 2 Jewish Press News Briefs News → Islamists Livni, Bennett clash on benefits for Judea and Samaria JNS News Service News → News Briefs AEA Official: Iran Could Produce Weapons-Grade Plutonium Next Summer JNS News Service News → News Briefs Number of Israeli Christians Enlisting in IDF Triples 1 JNS News Service News → News Briefs Australian Politician: ‘Jewish Lobby’ Controls Pius XII Image JNS News Service News → News Briefs Palestinian Leader in Canada: Shoot Israeli Jews JTA News → News Briefs Geller to Testify at Toronto Police Board over Shul Appearance JTA News → News Briefs Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option 1 Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government Birthright May Double its Numbers, Plus Encourage Hi-Tech Aliyah 1 Lori Lowenthal Marcus News → Israel → Aliyah 4,000 Get Polio Shots Yori Yanover News → Photo of the Day Ex-Turkish Army Chief Gets Life in Prison for Coup Attempt Jewish Press News Briefs News → News Briefs Click Here! More Articles from Yori Yanover Brigadier-Gen. Gadi Agmon, in a closed committee session, launched a vehement attack on the deans of Haredi yeshivas, accusing them of outright lying and covering up for students who are registered but do not show up for classes. IDF: Haredi Yeshiva Deans Cheat, Covering for No-Show Students Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government It’s likely that the high level official’s statement is an expression of the Netanyahu government’s anxiety over the glee with which the Obama Administration has welcomed the election of a new Iranian president. Israeli Source: Obama No Longer Committed to Iran Attack Option 1 Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government Israelis Feel a Special Connection to World Jews Yori Yanover Media → Video Picks 4,000 Get Polio Shots Yori Yanover News → Photo of the Day LA Investment Firm Using Death Camp Photo to Woo Clients 7 Yori Yanover News → Jewish → Antisemitism Protesters: Police in Cahoots with Arabs over Jewish Access to Mount 6 Yori Yanover News → Jewish → Antisemitism R. Lau to Submit Conversion Rulings to Haredi Review in Backroom Deal 18 Yori Yanover News → Israel → Government The Tijuana Troubadours Yori Yanover Media → Video Picks Latest Poll What is the most urgent issue facing the Jewish nation right now? Relations between secular and religious Jews. Relations between Haredim and the rest of the Jews. The divide between Jews in Israel and Jews in Galus. Intermarriage and assimilation. The increasing, global, Muslim antisemitism. The growing influence of the gay movement. View Results Polls Archive Home News InDepth Blogs Judaism Sections Media Kidz Food InPrint © 2013 The Jewish Press. All rights reserved. No portion of this website may be copied without the express written permission of Management and Design by WebAds. Development and maintenance by Marc Gottlieb Creative Solutions | Log in Related posts: Iran Launches Two Uranium Facilities while Talking with West So Called Moderate Rohani Wins Iranian Vote John Kerry on the Iranian Presidential Election Close Read more at: | The Jewish PressRead more at: | The Jewish Press


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