Danish spy, morten Storm, claims key role in terrorist’s, Anwar Al Awlaki, death

Danish spy claims key role in terrorist’s death.

The following script is from “Morten Storm” which aired on Dec. 30, 2012, and was rebroadcast on Aug. 18, 2013. Lara Logan is the correspondent. Howard Rosenberg, producer.
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Just over a year and a half ago in Yemen, a U.S. drone operated by the CIA unleashed a Hellfire missile killing one of the most wanted terrorists in the world, Anwar Al Awlaki. The American-born cleric had been waging Holy War against his own country. Because he was a U.S. citizen, it was one of the most controversial drone strikes in the campaign against al Qaeda.

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To this day, the question of how the CIA zeroed in on Awlaki in that distant desert land remains a mystery. Some of that will be answered tonight, and as we first reported in December, you’ll learn how an unlikely Danish spy named Morten Storm managed to get inside Awlaki’s world and become one of his most trusted friends. And how, Storm says, he helped lead that fatal missile to its target.

[Anwar Al Awlaki: As you send us your bombs, we will send you ours.]

By the time of his death, Anwar Al Awlaki was at the top of the U.S. terrorist kill list. The Muslim cleric had become notorious for his fiery Internet sermons that incited attacks against America.

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