Aaron Klein ranked radio powerhouse on Internet

world net daily

Aaron Klein ranked radio powerhouse on Internet.

Radio host, author and WND reporter Aaron Klein made the new Talk Stream Live “Power 50,” which ranks the top talk-radio shows streaming on the Web.

Talk Stream Live says it sampled more than 2 million listeners during the first seven months of the year to produce the Power 50 Report, which the site says represents “the 50 most influential and most listened to streaming talk show hosts.”

Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” is one of only four weekend shows to make the list and is the only local weekend show on the list.

Klein’s program, broadcast live from the beaches of Tel Aviv, is heard on New York’s 77 WABC Radio, the largest talk station in the U.S.

Klein’s two-hour, weekly stream had more total listeners than many nationally known radio personalities who broadcast three hours a day, five days per week on dozens or even hundreds of stations.


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