Sorry, Sis: Liz Cheney Opposes Gay Marriage – Says she’s against it amid Wyoming Senate race

newser logoSorry, Sis: Liz Cheney Opposes Gay Marriage – Says she’s against it amid Wyoming race.

Newser) – Liz Cheney had to clarify her conservative bona fides today in her campaign for the Senate in Wyoming. The candidate released a statement saying, “I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,” reports the Daily Caller. That could get a little dicey at family get-togethers given that Cheney’s sister, Mary, is legally married to her lesbian partner in DC. Cheney, however, added that she thinks “the issue of marriage should be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.”

So why the statement? Cheney’s camp accuses incumbent Republican Mike Enzi—whose seat she is trying to win—of subjecting state voters to a push poll that distorts her views, reports Politico. Her team says that voters are being asked if they are aware that Cheney “supports abortion and aggressively promotes gay marriage.” Enzi’s camp denies being behind any such poll, as does the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “With all due respect, it looks like Liz Cheney is fishing without a license again,” says a spokesman, who couldn’t resist the dig at this Cheney incident.


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