Weapon RFID System Bill – Mandatory Tracking Of Kentucky’s Gun Owners

Weapon RFID System Bill – Manational report.netndatory Tracking Of Kentucky’s Gun Owners | Jane M. Agni | National Report.

<NR> In a controversial move today, Kentucky law makers slipped a bill through the senate making the installation of a tracking device or “Weapon RFID System” in firearms mandatory by state law.

The program’s preliminary launch will be in Clark County, Kentucky, specifically in the city of Winchester.

Winchester is probably best known for spawning the late Helen Thomas and their 1998 contribution to the Guinness Book Of World Records for most underage tobacco users per capita in the United States.

Nestled in the eastern portion of the blue state, the city of Winchester also is home to several academies of higher learning and is thought to be more intelligent and liberal than the rest of the state.

Kentucky itself boasts one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country.

Officials say they hope the bill will catch on so they can push to have it implemented nationwide.

The legislature seems to be inspired by Chicago Official, Alderman Willie Cochran, who approached his own city’s Committee On Public Safety back in January of this year with a similar idea. Cochran proposed it would be:

“Just like if your car gets stolen, OnStar can tell you where your car is. If your gun gets stolen, and you report it, we should be able to find that gun.”

By the beginning of next year it will be mandatory that all registered firearms within the state of Kentucky be implanted with a Weapon RFID System. Those who are found to be non-compliant by the deadline will face steep fines, jail time or even the loss of the firearm.

Gun owners will be required to show up at a predesignated location where they’ll pay a small fee and hand over their firearms to be implanted.

Any weapon that is still active must be have the Weapon RFID System installed. So this also means some antique or specialty guns will need to be looked over as well.
– See more at: http://nationalreport.net/weapon-rfid-system-kentucky/#sthash.BVljrnoQ.dpuf


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