Islamic Republics atomic agency chief Ali Akbar Salehi: Iran takes control of Bushehr nuclear plant

france 24

Iran takes control of Bushehr nuclear plant – IRAN – FRANCE 24.

Iran finally gained control of its civilian-run nuclear reactor near the southwestern city of Bushehr on Monday, 37 years after West Germany began building the plant, which was ultimately completed by Russia after a string of setbacks.
By News Wires (text)

Iran on Monday was finally taking control of its civilian nuclear reactor at Bushehr, a project begun 37 years ago by West Germany, wracked by setbacks, and finished by Russia.

The Islamic republic’s atomic agency chief Ali Akbar Salehi confirmed Russia was handing over the 1,000-megawatt plant but said its experts would remain in Bushehr as part of a guarantee scheme for the operation.

“A team of Iranian engineers will take control of the Bushehr power plant beginning today,” he told state television, ahead of the handover ceremony in the southern city located east across Gulf waters from southern Kuwait.

Construction of the facility – championed by Tehran as an illustration of its peaceful nuclear intentions – began in 1975 with the help of West German company Siemens, which quit the project after the 1979 Islamic revolution over concerns about nuclear proliferation.

Work was hampered during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, until Russia agreed in mid-90s to take up the construction baton due originally for completion in 1999.

It is not clear how much the plant has finally cost Iran.

Finally finished more than a decade late and inaugurated in 2010, Bushehr did not come into service until 2011 because of repeated technical problems.

And since then, difficulties have stopped its operation periodically.

“There will be a two-year warranty period, during which Russian experts will be present at the Bushehr plant … Should any problem arise the Russian contractor is responsible for removing it,” Salehi said Monday.

He added that after that period Iran will be “fully responsible” for the plant’s operation.

Moscow has also agreed to provide its fuel for 10 years, with the supply deal committing Tehran to returning the spent fuel, amid Western concerns over its controversial uranium enrichment programme.

Tehran’s nuclear ambitions have been at the heart of its troubled relations with world powers for years.

Western powers and Israel suspect that Iran’s declared peaceful programme of uranium enrichment masks a covert weapons drive, a charge vehemently denied by the Iranian leadership.

Some Iranian officials accuse Russia of foot-dragging in Bushehr under pressure from the United States, which had sought in vain to prevent the project from reaching fruition.

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