Iran demands the right to dramatically expand nuclear program

the daily callerIran demands right to expand nuclear program | The Daily Caller.

Despite a softening tone from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the regime’s illicit nuclear program, the Islamic Republic is hardening its position on the right to enrich uranium.
An analysis by Fars News Agency, the Revolutionary Guards’ media outlet, said that Iran not only has the right to continue its nuclear program but to expand it dramatically to fulfill its needs.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also restated the regime’s view of Israel: “We have said since the very first day (of the Islamic Revolution), and we do say it now and we will say it in the future as well, that we believe the Zionist regime is an illegitimate and bastard regime.”

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  1. The Iranians have once again been successful in pushing the West into prolonged negotiations over their nuclear program. They have done so almost for two decades, and in the meantime have expanded their uranium enrichment program, worked on weaponization, and built long-range missiles. This indicates without a doubt that they are after a nuclear bomb. The belief and hope that Iran has changed is pathetic. It is obviously interested in removing the economic sanctions imposed on it by the international community, but what Iran is really after is not an agreement, as its gullible interlocutors tend to believe, but rather time. Iran needs time, probably months, to present the world with a nuclear break-out capability, i.e. the infrastructure to assemble a nuclear arsenal within weeks.


  2. You are Spot On. The only thing that I have to add to that is, that I think it is the case that Obama never had any intention of stopping Iran from building or obtaining a nuclear bomb. I think his public pronouncements about a military option may have been a bluff. Obamas’ boss will make more money and more power with the threat of possessisng nuclear bombs around the middle east, than them actually having them.
    The only game changer now, may be the Saudi purchase of nuclear weapons from Pakistan.
    Once again I would like to remind you, that if the US and Israel were to put up a smoke screen for a strike on Iran, it would look exactly like what we are seeing today. A weak, appeasing US president betraying an angry ally, Israel.


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